
We strongly believe that cycling is not just a tool for training and keeping fit. For us, biking represents sharing, freedom, wonder and holds profound lessons.

Especially in an age where we often take everything for granted and seek convenience in every sphere, taking a bike trip is an experience that challenges and teaches that hard work and commitment make the goal more valuable.

The beauty of traveling by bike also lies in the fact that it is "green" and sustainable, this allows us to respect the naura and feel part of it by slowing down the hectic pace of our daily lives.

We are creating a sharing space where everyone can tell about their travel experiences and thus be a source of inspiration for those who have long had a similar experience in mind but for a thousand reasons are unable to materialize it. Therefore, we ask you to share your experience and tell about the fears, expectations, difficulties and feelings that accompanied your trip and maybe even some technical details. Our team will receive your story, evaluate it, and select a few to publish directly on our website! So if you'd like to tell us about your biking experience using the format below! In exchange for your story we are immediately offering a 20% off coupon on your next purchase! The voucher will be issued after assessing the suitability of the story.
